
思博灵公司诚聘S.P.R.I.M.Founded by physicians and scientists more than 25 years ago, SPRIM is a leading research-driven consulting company focused on improving the retail and food industries by promoting strategic changes that reflect consumer health demands.Internationally, SPRIM employs over 200 people in 14 countries and advises over 210 clients worldwide.25年前由医生及科学家创立的思博灵公司致力于向您提供完善的,健康的经营理念。思博灵在咨询业是一个极有声誉的品牌公司。在全世界,思博灵在14个国家超过200名员工,为超过210名客户作咨询。S.P.R.I.M. is searching for a to match those qualities and skills:思博灵在寻求与条件相符的His/her mission will be to assist the development of the Shanghai officeResume is required with a written summary of the candidate's qualifications, experience and education. It must also include his career objective, photograph, employment record, references and any other items that would highlight his abilities.Please send to 思博灵人事部 S.P.R.I.M. Human Resources Departme非中介不收费

公司地址:上海市长宁区遵义南路88号协泰中心2603室 (邮编:200336)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 思博灵(上海)咨询有限公司
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